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Backup cisco configuration files automatically


Backup cisco configuration files automatically


You can use the Cisco ‘archive’ command in global configuration mode to let the Cisco switch or router automatically save backups of your configuration file to a TFTP, FTP, HTTP HTTPS, SCP or RCP filesystem.

To configure automatic backup on to for example a TFTP server on write-memory just do this:

Switch(config)# archive
Switch(config-archive)# path tftp://
Switch(config-archive)# write-memory

The switch or router will now automatically archive a copy of your running configuration on

You can use show archive to verify backups.

Switch# show archive

The next archive file will be named tftp://
Archive # Name
0 tftp://
1 tftp:// <- Most Recent

And you can also use the EXEC command ‘configure replace‘ to take use of archived configuration files and rollback on to one of them.


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